Knights and Castles Day at Bevendean

8th February 2019

Year 1 were very excited for their knights and castles day that took place on Thursday 7 February. Their special guest came equipped with armour and weapons from ancient and mythical times. Jousting and sporting the armour of various decades are just some of the activities they took part in. Learning about the early Norman times where they wore chainmail, pointed helmets and held a large shield of the 1500’s. Mr Jarvis was volunteered by Year 1 to try on the full armour outfit which delighted the children immensely! They learnt about the weapons used throughout the decades, swords, wooden sticks, mace, lance, spears and the battle axe. They also had the opportunity to draw weapons into their art books. Finally, the children had a go at jousting. Perched onto a wheeled horse and lance in hand they charged towards their target with great encouragement from their fellow peers. An amazing day for the Year 1 children with some impressive weaponry and armour.