school grounds

Meet the Governors

Danes Hill School has a very active board of governors, each of whom contributes valuable knowledge gained throughout their eminent careers. Not only do we benefit from the experience of a number of ex senior school heads, but the expertise of the board is further enhanced by members who have a variety of commercial and other interesting backgrounds. The full governing board – known as Council – meets once a term to discuss and endorse major issues. In addition there are regular meetings of the Finance & General Purpose and Academic committees.

The Governing Body

Proprietor: Vernon Educational Trust Ltd
Address: Leatherhead Road, Oxshott, KT22 0JG
Main Reception:
Telephone: 01372842509

Chair of the governors

Mr Cedric Ntumba
01372 842509 (School Reception)
Danes Hill School
FAO: Chair of Governors
Leatherhead Road, Oxshott, KT22 0JG


Mrs Claudette Charles
Mr Gareth Davies
Mr Ian Hunt
Mr Tim Jones
Mrs Lindsay Leslie-Miller
Mr John Raymond
Mr Dan Tiller
Mrs Samantha Price
Dr Matthew Bach

Patrons Of The Charity

Mr Geoff Toms