Our School Values

At Danes Hill, we work to create a school culture that fosters personal growth, inspires passion, empowers courage and nurtures respect. We believe that these coreโ€ฏvaluesโ€ฏtruly embody the spirit of our community and guide us on our journey towards excellence. Our schoolโ€ฏvalues were articulated through a comprehensive consultation process, involving our dedicated staff team, the valuable input of our parents through consultations and surveys, and the voices of our pupils. Through this collaborative effort, we gained a clear insight into what makes Danes Hill special.

After distilling and analysing the feedback, we shared our four new schoolโ€ฏvalues in summer 2023:โ€ฏ Growth, Passion, Courage and Respect. Theseโ€ฏvaluesโ€ฏencapsulate the qualities we wish to instil in our pupils, providing them with a solid foundation for success both academically and personally. Now that we have identified ourโ€ฏvalues, our focus in 2023-24 is on embedding them into the fabric of our school culture.

We aim to promote ourโ€ฏvaluesโ€ฏat every turn, ensuring that they become an integral part of our pupilsโ€™ lives. Our assemblies are dedicated to living out theseโ€ฏvalues, exploring real-life examples and discussing the importance of embracing growth, pursuing passions, showing respect, and demonstrating courage. To encourage and celebrate our pupilsโ€™ embodiment of theseโ€ฏvalues, we are targeting house points dedicated to recognising acts aligned with ourโ€ฏvalues. We are also establishing pupil awards that commend individuals who consistently exhibit ourโ€ฏvaluesโ€ฏin their daily lives.

In order for our pupils to be able to embrace them, our shared understanding of ourโ€ฏvalues isโ€ฏbased on the following statements:

girl doing long jump


I can demonstrateโ€ฏGrowthโ€ฏby โ€“ working hard, giving my best effort, investing in my own development, being active in the development of those around me, expanding my horizons, nurturing my community

girl painting


I can demonstrateโ€ฏPassionโ€ฏby โ€“ being inspired, showing curiosity, showing ambition in all I do, striving to succeed, showing dedication in all things, not giving up

students on stage


I can demonstrateโ€ฏCourageโ€ฏby โ€“ developing the confidence to take risks, trying new things, not being afraid to fail, speaking up for myself and for others, telling the truth

student high fiving his friend


I can demonstrateโ€ฏRespectโ€ฏby โ€“ having an awareness of others as well as myself, treating everyone with dignity, showing others kindness and consideration, showing others empathy

We are excited about the positive impact ourโ€ฏvaluesโ€ฏare already having on our community. Together, we can nurture a culture where growth, passion, respect, and courage thrive. By embracing theseโ€ฏvalues and ensuring that we model and demonstrate them in our professional lives, we are confident that our pupils will develop into confident, compassionate, and resilient individuals, well-prepared to face any challenge that comes their way.

Reception Experience Day

Saturday 9 November 2024

ย 10am – 12 pm

Book your experience