One of Danes Hill’s greatest achievements, and one of which we are immensely proud, is the vast amount of charitable work and fund-raising that continues to be undertaken by the whole school community year on year. Over the past 10 years we have raised over £200,000 for a wide variety of projects at home and abroad. Charity remains very much a major focus of the children and indeed is at the heart of the school.
The most recent ISI Inspection recognised the school’s outstanding efforts and achievements in this area and was highly impressed by the commitment our children showed to helping others less fortunate than themselves. An important part of the PSHEE curriculum involves teaching the children the value of putting others first. Year 8, for example, have spent time at the Queen Elizabeth Foundation, Leatherhead, where their help within the grounds was greatly appreciated.
Our children embrace the challenge of raising money for causes that range from SAMS (South American Mission Society) to Wildlife Aid and they have given generously over the years to many local children’s charities, such as Shooting Star and CHASE, our local children’s hospice charity. Indeed, at least 50 different charitable organisations have been supported by the school over the past 3 years. This emphasises the fact that we try and embrace all causes, local, national and international whenever we possibly can.
As a result, we have been able to help countless people and the children are able to see how their efforts have changed lives by listening to speakers in assemblies who can demonstrate exactly how funds have been allocated.
Discos, charity days, car washing, cake sales, charity walks and doughnut sales are just some of the many ways our children have enjoyed helping others. We encourage all Danes Hill families to keep up the good work and for the children to continue to approach us with their ideas for fund-raising and helping those in need.
We are hugely proud of our fundraising efforts and genuinely believe that we have and will continue to change lives.
The Charities Committee
The Danes Hill Charities Committee was established in 2006. Its purpose is to co-ordinate and focus the fantastic fundraising efforts that go on in all parts of the school, and ensure that everyone in the Danes Hill community is kept informed of where the money raised is actually spent.
The Charities Committee members are:
Miss Laura Woods (Chair)
At the beginning of each term the committee selects a charity to be the major beneficiaries of monies raised during that term. Parents, pupils and staff members are very welcome to put forward the names of charities which they feel are deserving of support, and the committee is keen to help in any way it can with fundraising or other charitable ideas involving the school.