young boy leaning on a ledge

Danes Hill School Workshop Days

‘If you are considering Danes Hill as a parent, your children are already incredibly lucky, they have in you parents who recognise the importance of education and the difference that it can make to their lives. Choosing a school is an enormous decision to make…. If you share this philosophy then do come and meet us.  No school is right for every child so come and get a feel for the ‘intangible’.  We have an amazing staff team who inspire as they educate and who model our beliefs to the children on a daily basis.  Most importantly we have amazing children, who are happy and love being pupils at Danes Hill School’.  Maxine Shaw, Head.

Choosing a new and, perhaps, first school for your child can be a daunting but extremely rewarding task. There is a wealth of choice out there: state or private schools, infant and junior schools or primary schools, prep or all-through schools. The choice of the most appropriate school can seem an impossibly difficult decision but, in our experience, parents should trust their own judgement – you know your own children best. 

Our Workshop Days are an opportunity for the children to experience Danes Hill School. Our upcoming workshops will take place on Monday 25 March for families considering Danes Hill School for a Year 2, 3 or Year 7 place. We will host an exciting morning of Creative Arts and Sport. Please fill in the form below to register your interest in the event. 

Open House

Friday 4 October

9 am – 11 am

Book your place here