Learning Support

As an inclusive Nursery, Pre-prep and Prep School, Danes Hill ensures that every pupil is provided with opportunities to meet their individual needs, thus enabling them to achieve their potential.

Gifted & Talented

There is a strong body of evidence to show that gifted and talented children have particular learning needs that require specific strategies and intervention.

The Gifted and Talented programme, overseen by the Gifted and Talented Coordinator, will be aimed at children who are identified as the highest achievers in school.ย  Identification will be compiled using data both from cognitive and academic assessments over the year and from teacher nominations. It will offer, through differentiation, โ€˜a tailored educationโ€™ addressing the needs of our very able children andย will provideย support to fulfill their potential within the curriculum.

The programme willย give opportunities for enrichment activities out of class and through personalised learning, making the child the centre of their own learning to enable high order challenge to achieve at the upmost level.

The National Association for More Able Children in Education (NACE)ย named Danes Hill School the 417th school to be accredited with theย NACE Challenge Award. The award is given in recognition of school-wide commitment to high-quality provision for more able learners, within the context of challenge for all.

EAL Support

We are extremely proud of our diverse school community. We currently have over 40 different nationalities represented at Danes Hill School. To support our international children the school operates an English as an Additional Language (EAL) programme. Our experienced EAL teachers work across the Pre-prep and Prep School and liaiseย closely with the class teachers to ensure the EAL work is directly relevant to the children’s work in class and suits their individual interests.

Children enter the school with different levels of ability in English. We strive to understand a children’s ability in their home language, to ascertain the appropriate level of work to provide, with the appropriate scaffolding. Communication skills are also key. They develop their ability to listen carefully and develop their confidence to speak English. As the children become more proficient in English they develop their reading comprehension skills, English grammar and spelling skills.

Children are taught to value the fact that they can speak more than one language. They recognise the advantage it can give them in communication. Not only in terms of being able to converse with people who speak a different language, but it also enables them to think about things differently and have a different perspective.

Special Education Needs

Alongside a dedicated team of specialist teachers, our SENCO, aims to identify and provide assistance for those pupils who require additional support to overcome any barriers to learning. Support is carefully tailored to the needs of the individual, with a strong emphasis on multi-sensory learning, and developing strategies and methods that can be used by the student to underpin independent learning across the curriculum.

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Open House

Friday 4 October

9 am – 11 am

Book your place here