Academic Results, Future Schools & Scholarships

The majority of our pupils leave us at the end of Year 8 via scholarship or Common Entrance examinations. Danes Hill School has an outstanding record in external exams as well as gaining entry for every pupil to one of their chosen senior schools. Pupils move on from Danes Hill to a wide range of senior schools, including all the local co-educational and single sex, day and boarding independent schools, as well as top independent schools further afield.

Senior School Scholarship Achievements

2023 Results and Scholarships

Congratulations to our 2023 cohort of leavers, who successfully gained entry to their chosen senior school with 95% of candidates gaining A* to C grades at Common Entrance. There have been a high number of Scholarship and Exhibition awards, 56 in total, at both 11+ and 13+.

Year 6 and Year 8 Leaver Destinations 2023

Common Entrance Exams Results 2022-23

93% of all pupils secured an overall A*-C grade

In English,  Latin, Spanish and further mathematics, 100% of pupils received grade A*-C, followed by 98% in history and 95% in maths.

In the rest of the subjects, pupils achieved results ranging between 94% and 83%.


Open House

Friday 4 October

9 am – 11 am

Book your place here