students smiling at each other

Head of Junior School Welcome

The key stage in the transition between Lower and Upper Schools, Junior School is focused on increasing children’s responsibility, independence and thus, self-confidence. This is achieved by:
  • Increasing movement around the school for timetabled lessons
  • Installing greater responsibility for time-keeping and equipment
  • Taking ownership of the completion, and handing in, of prep
  • The regular setting, and review, of targets and goals
  • Preparing for tests (Year 5 only)

Children are naturally inquisitive and enthusiastic and our focus is on fostering a creative, stimulating and safe learning environment. We aim to develop well motivated, responsible children, who have a love of learning and the skills and attitude to overcome challenges and achieve their potential. Middle School years are busy, exciting, rewarding and exhausting in equal measure. The children will go on their first residential trip, represent the school in sports teams, take opportunities to try new activities, perform in plays and will discover talents they did not know they had.

Darren Cockerill
Head of Junior School


Junior School Video

Open House

Join us at our upcoming Open House on Friday 3 May, 9 am – 11 am

Book your place here