Sunflower Success!

23rd September 2021

Prior to the Summer holidays, Miss Harris challenged our children and teachers to grow their own sunflowers. Each child was given two sunflower seeds to grow in their homes or gardens. Many of the children enjoyed this outdoor activity, nurturing their flower throughout the summer holiday noticing how bees, insects and even birds came to visit their ever-growing flowers. This was a part of wellbeing week, a celebration of gardening and growing your own produce, an important way to promote mental health! The children were encouraged to send in photos, paintings, drawings and descriptive writing pieces about their sunflower and its developing height. The tallest sunflower ever recorded was in Germany and reached an enormous 9.17m! That is taller than five average-height men stood on top of each other. Well done to all of the children who grew some amazing sunflowers and to Mr Hughes who grew an incredibly tall sunflower right outside his classroom!