Senior Sport Reports

2nd October 2020

Hockey Report – C Moorhead – Hockey

This Wednesday marked a momentous occasion – our first hockey match since lockdown. The excitement amongst the team was infectious. It felt strange to be welcoming another team to Danes Hill again but I’m sure that everyone was as excited as I was to be competing once more. Any worries that we were a little rusty or unfit were soon forgotten when we started to dominate the play. There were stand out performances by C.Moore and her super stick skills and A.Birrell’s deadly distribution of the ball up the wing resulting in a clear win. All of the senior girls ended the games with some fantastic wins and it was great to be back playing hockey again. In our final year at Danes Hill, I am grateful for every minute spent on the hockey pitch and every match we play. Fingers crossed we can continue to play throughout the season.

It was great to hear that every girl in the Lower, Middle and Upper School all took part in a hockey fixtures against Downsend this week. A special mention to the Year 4 group who were hugely successful with 9 wins and 6 draws. Thank you to our games teachers for organising the matches and helping us to play well and safely.

Football Report – Tristan Ingles – Football Captain

As captain of football I was really looking forward to coming back in September with the aim of enjoying the football season. Games lessons have always been fun, and I thought it might be a bit different because of Covid but I’m glad they are still as fun as ever. On Wednesday afternoons, when we would normally be playing matches, we have been playing a fantasy football tournament. This was great fun as instead of training with just your skill set of players, you got to play with everyone in your year group. A big part of being a sports player at Danes Hill is playing matches against other schools. Fixtures are always great because you get to test yourself against other players you probably don’t know, instead of playing against your school friends. It has been great to see and hear that all boys from Year 3 to Year 8, that have been involved in fixtures over the last few weeks and are getting a chance to test their football skills against other schools. I hope that we can continue to both train and play in our year groups and that life continues to get more normal, at least when we are at school!

Good luck to all Danes Hill football teams for the rest of the season!

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here