Holland Hockey Tour 2019

6th November 2019

During the first week of half term 39 girls from Years 6,7 and 8 travelled to Holland for the 2019 hockey tour. During the tour the girls all played against two Dutch hockey clubs, the competition was tough however the girls managed to win 4 out of the 8 games demonstrating their high skill level and teamwork.

The girls also thoroughly enjoyed enhancing their skills through training sessions with masterclass coaches. On the final day the girls played in a hockey tournament- the U13A won and the U11A came second overall which is a fantastic achievement.

All the girls enjoyed experiencing the Dutch culture, eating delicious pancakes, tobogganing, a very competitive game of laser quest and on the last night dancing the night away at the disco.

Well done to all the girls on a fantastic tour to Holland.


Saturday 1 February 2025, Years 2-8

 9am – 12 pm

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