Kings and Queens Dine at Bevendean

5th March 2019

To finish their ‘Kings and Queens’ topic the Year 1 children enjoyed a Royal Banquet. They designed and made their own crowns to wear to lunch and ate with their hands like they would have in medieval times. They had a feast in the dining room and later in the afternoon took part in dancing and jester jokes. The children had prepared jokes to entertain the crowds like jesters and also enjoyed medieval dancing. This banquet followed on from their study of Kings and Queens, focusing on our past English Monarchs in contrast to the present Queen Elizabeth II and her predecessors. Year 1 also discussed Kings and Queens of other countries linking to their study of the world map in geography and considering the difference in culture and clothes. In science they discussed what materials they would build their castles from and what would be reliable for their construction, one idea was chocolate, probably not so reliable but definitely delicious! Year 1 looked amazing in their self-made crowns and definitely enjoyed their Friday feast! A wonderful way to celebrate the end of a successful topic.

Reception Experience Day

Saturday 9 November 2024

 10am – 12 pm

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