Well done to the following pupils who were awarded the ‘star of half term’!
Year 2
Danes L Bertrand: L. Bertrand has made a brilliant start to Netball at Danes Hill. She has shown fantastic listening skills throughout games lessons and fixtures as well as showing some fantastic ability when shooting.
Normans F Cahill: F. Cahill has worked really hard this half-term; showing a brilliant understanding of the footwork rule in particular. Her passing has also shown real progression through the first weeks of the New Year.
Saxons J Lim: J. Lim has made a good start with her netball skills so far this term and has shown particular progress with her pivoting in footwork.
Vikings S Khan: S. Khans knowledge of the game is excellent and she has shown a fantastic attitude in both training and fixtures. As a result, she has been able to put her knowledge into practice on the court, making significant improvements in her performances as a result.
Year 3
M Pontes: M. Pontes has deservedly been moved up a team this term as a result of her brilliant performances and determination in matches. She is enthusiastic about her netball and her play at the centre position has demonstrated this in a series of fixtures where she has made significant improvements.
Year 4
S Scott: S. Scott has made great progress with her netball skills. Her footwork is consistent and she continues to work hard to find space during training and fixtures.
Year 5
L Chisholm: L. Chisholm has had a fantastic half-term. Her enthusiasm in games lessons has been great to see and in matches has resulted in her being awarded player of the match in every game she has taken part in.
Year 6
E Berbner: E. Berbner has played brilliantly this half term; winning numerous player of the match awards. She is constantly giving her all in fixtures and has improved her all-round game as a result.
Year 7
R Al-Zawawi: R Al-Zawawi has had a fantastic half-term, deservedly earning a place in the 1st team. She has shown a great attitude in games lessons and fixtures and her excellent defending has been a real cornerstone of her improvement this term.
Year 8
E Stevenson: E. Stevenson has been an exemplary captain this half-term. She has led both on and off the pitch, being proactive with training and organisation of her peers as well as match reports and the captains trip. Her performances on the court have been brilliant and a testament to her hard work this term.