Star of The Half Term

17th December 2018

Well done to the following pupils who achieved star of half term for girls’ games. Have a great Christmas!

Year 2

Danes – J. Green: J. Green has had a fantastic term in Games. She is always enthusiastic and listens carefully to instructions. She always contributes to group discussions and gets fully involved in lessons and game play.

Normans – R. Day: R. Day is always enthusiastic in Games and her skill level has greatly improved as a result. She always tries her hardest in lessons and has been a pleasure to teach.

Saxons – S. Jenkins: S. Jenkins has made massive improvements to her skill level in Hockey. She is very committed and has a real hunger to improve.

Vikings – E. Morris: E. Morris is a great listener and always works really hard. She has developed a good understanding of the game of Hockey and made great improvements this term.

Year 3 – M. McGlew: M. McGlew has made massive strides forward this term. She is committed and passionate about her Hockey and has attended additional sessions and training throughout the term to improve.

Year 4 – P. Vincent: P. Vincent has made really good progress this term. She is always enthusiastic and volunteers to help in lessons. She has attended Extended Games and additional sessions to improve her skills and has been a pleasure to teach.

Year 5 – M. Malby-Nightingale: M. Malby-Nightingale has demonstrated a fantastic attitude throughout this term. She really engages across games and lessons, getting stuck-in all over the pitch and scoring numerous goals.

Year 6 – M. Hardy: M. Hardy has shown great commitment in Games this term. She always listens to advice and feedback to apply it instantly. Her desire to continually improve is great to see.

Year 7 – G. Ladkin: Having never played hockey before, G. Ladkin is now a very good, reliable player who always tries her best in every Games lesson and match. She is polite and attentive in lessons and has made massive improvements this term.

Year 8 – A. Alikhan: A. Alikhan has demonstrated a fantastic commitment to Games this term, attending football, cross country and hockey. She has worked really hard throughout this term and made massive improvements as a result.

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here