This week saw the English Department and the Library team come together to celebrate animals in literature for the Middle School Animal Extravaganza.
It really was an extravaganza in every sense of the word as the children got stuck into a range of activities, from craft and junk modelling to listening to some classic animal stories in the reading snug. The fun and games were taken outside too as the children competed to see who could jump higher than a kangaroo, roar louder than a lion, balance for longer than a flamingo and run faster than a cheetah!
The school also played host to some real life animals courtesy of Alan from Zoolab, who taught the enthralled students all about some weird and wonderful creatures, including hissing cockroaches, bearded dragons and slippery snakes. The children did not hesitate to get up close and personal with the creatures and they were delighted to have the opportunity to handle them.
Thank you to everyone who helped to make the event such a roaring success.