School Council Visit The Houses of Parliment

13th August 2018

The School Council visited the Houses of Parliament this term to learn about the workings of our democracy and how laws are made.

Representatives from Years 5, 6 and 7 braved the snow and travelled by train with Mrs Whitwam and Mrs MacNicol to a thought-provoking workshop on the role and influence of petition and protest. The children learnt about suffragettes and then saw a protest about Brexit in the street. The day included a tour of the Houses of Lords and Commons and a hot chocolate in the Festival Hall.

The Year 8 Council members, accompanied by Mr Andrews, took part in a debating workshop where they practised catching the attention of the Speaker and getting their view across succinctly.

The Council meets fortnightly and is the voice of the students. They are currently drafting a petition against disposable plastic bottles and cups in school.


Saturday 1 February 2025, Years 2-8

 9am – 12 pm

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