school grounds

Holiday Camps book your place

Clear Signature
I give consent for my child to receive any necessary health care and first aid services by any qualified staff and to emergency dental, medical or surgical treatment as considered necessary by the medical authorities present. I understand that the school will try to contact me immediately in any such event, but that emergency decisions may be taken in my absence. Where appropriate my child may be given nonprescribed medicines (homely remedies) to treat minor illness or injury. (The Medication and Product List is available on our website). I understand that essential medical information will be shared with school staff to ensure my son/daughterโ€™s safety e.g. Asthma, Diabetes, Allergies. Unless notification is received, the school is entitled to consider that the information in our database is correct. Any medication brought from home whether it be prescribed, over the counter or herbal, must be handed to a member of staff on the morning of departure. The medicine must be in the original packaging stating generic drug name, dose and the pupilโ€™s name. An English translation must be provided in the case of foreign medicines.

Open House

Friday 4 October

9 am – 11 am

Book your place here