Black History Month

22nd October 2021

This month we are recognising Black History Month. The children have been invited to create a poem or artwork over half term inspired by the story of any black or minority ethnic person that interests them. Some of the children have already submitted their pieces, one of the Year 5 children has written a beautiful poem about his sister, following her journey and incredible achievements. Another entry is an incredible drawing of Barack Obama, with some inspiring quotes, from figures throughout history, such as ‘if there is no struggle, there is no progress’ Frederick Douglas.

“This is our second year of celebrating Black History Month. It is such an important event and I am delighted that we have been able to do more in the way of lessons and assemblies this year. The pupils are so curious and eager to learn about Britain’s diverse history. They have been asking great questions, doing their own research, and sharing their role models with me as well as their impressive knowledge of Black history” Mrs Saira MacNicol.