Danes Hill Swimming Galas

11th June 2021

This week Mrs Larkin hosted the wonderful annual Swimming Galas. The children swam superbly in their chosen stroke and demonstrated their amazing progress in swimming. The children cheered for their houses and encouraged each other throughout the heats, competing to swim in the finals. After their finals, the raft relay began, in their houses the children worked in pairs to swim the raft from one end of the pool to the other before the next pair took over. At the end, the head of each year presented the children with their medals and ribbons as they all waited to find out the winning house! The children worked hard to beat the records set in previous years, some of these records going back to the 1990s! Well done to all of the children who competed in their galas, we are very excited to see the Year 6 and 8 pupils in their galas in a few weeks’ time!