Each week the School Council meet to discuss issues and ideas of their peers, they can voice their opinions for decisions which may impact their life at Danes Hill. When a school council member brings an idea to the table, the group either have a debate or a vote to determine what the majority thinks to ensure a fair decision! In parliament the MPs use this process in the House of Commons or the House of Lords. In assembly, three of the Year 7 School Council members took to the stage to show the children what a parliamentary debate would look like.
J Johnson chaired the debate whilst T Brine and P Sizov were the opposing parties arguing their side of the debate. J Johnson introduced the speakers and told the children todays debate topic, Candy Floss every day for break time! P Sizov made some very strong points in his argument for candy floss, explaining how there is no packaging so it is good for the environment, tastes great and a great energy boost from all the sugar! T Brines against argument focused on the idea that the children like having a variety of snacks throughout the week at break time, Candy floss would be very bad for their dental hygiene and wouldnt fill them up as its mostly just air!
The arguments from each side were very well thought out and gave the children an insight into how the School council work and how MPs deal with issues to vote on in parliament. We are very excited to see the small changes the school council make this year.