Virtual Cross Country

28th September 2020

On Monday 28 September, Danes Hill Year 7 and 8 girls were invited to compete in Guildford High School’s virtual cross country competition.  During their games lesson, the competitors ran 1k in the quickest time possible.  The results were sent to GHS where they will be collated to create both team and individual results.  Well done to all the girls who participated in this new and exciting event.  A special mention to C  Morehead (Year 8) and B Boxall (Year 7) for completing the course in the fastest time.  Good luck to all the runners and hopefully your fantastic times will be celebrated when the results are released!

The following girls competed in this event:

Year 7

B. Boxall

A. Baker

T. Brosch

L. Goodchild

S. Lee

L. Chisholm

L. Taylor

S. James

T. Edwards

O. Andrews

A. Stevenson

S. Huang

E. Yoon

K. Clements

L. Froud

G. Hughes

Year 8

C. Moorhead

X. Radloff

C. Azzopardi

C. Edgar

E. Berbner

I. Caselitz

T. Schultheiss

A. Bagshaw


Saturday 1 February 2025, Years 2-8

 9am – 12 pm

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