Star of the Term!

30th March 2020

Well done to the following pupils who achieved Star of the Term for the Spring Term!

Year 2 

A Vujcic – A. Vujcic has had a fantastic term on the netball court. She has demonstrated a keenness to learn new skills alongside a brilliant enthusiasm for helping those around her that has led to her making great progress with her core skills. 

Year 3 

A Christie – A. Christie has shown a fantastic attitude to her games lessons this term. She showed some brilliant skills in the Lower School Fun Football Tournament and has had great success as a shooter in her netball team, finishing as the top-scorer for the U8C’s. Well done! 

Year 4 

M Oosthuizen – M. Oosthuizen has settled in to life at Danes Hill brilliantly, demonstrating fantastic leadership skills and a knowledge of the sport of netball. She also performed really well in the house netball competition. 

Year 5 

Tali Hatcher – T. Hatcher has had a brilliant term in Centre for her Netball team. She has settled in brilliantly to life at Danes Hill, showing a fantastic attitude and brilliant Football skills. Well done! 

Year 6 

B Boxall – B. Boxall has done brilliantly in netball this term, demonstrating fantastic improvement with her footwork and shooting skills in particular. Well done! 

Year 7 

A Rainbow – A. Rainbow has shown great determination playing centre and wing-attack this term. Her attitude has been fantastic and a key reason for her improvement throughout the term. 

Year 8 

A Carello – A. Carello has shown a brilliant improvement in her netball this term, thoroughly deserving of her progression through the teams. She has demonstrated a great attitude throughout lessons and matches that has contributed to her improvements. 

Well done!

Reception Experience Day

Saturday 9 November 2024

 10am – 12 pm

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