Globe Theatre Replicas

4th March 2020

Year 6 English pupils have worked hard over the weekend to create their own Globe Theatre replicas. In their lessons they have been studying Shakespeare, his life, his career and his plays such as Macbeth and Romeo and Juliet. Elizabethan Theatre was very different from how we know it today, the children learned that when someone was killed a pig’s bladder brimming with blood would land on the stage!

The Year 6 children designed their stage, props, scenery, characters and worked hard to produce some amazing Globe Theatre replicas.  L Lopez-Estevez and L Molina-Pethers worked together to create a Globe Theatre cake.  A Stevenson and M Malby-Nightingale made a scene from Romeo and Juliet in playdough. Well done to the Year 6 pupils on their Globe Theatre replicas!


Saturday 1 February 2025, Years 2-8

 9am – 12 pm

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