Reception Meet Some Amazing Animals

20th January 2020

This morning reception were very lucky to be visited by Nick, the ‘animal man’, and some of his incredible animals from the Cedar Nature Centre. This centre is a small community zoo which houses some endangered species and rescued animals. The Reception children have been looking at animals in their lessons, talking about the different kinds of animals and the different homes they live in. These topics are all about understanding the world around them. Today the ‘animal man’ put their knowledge of animals to the test, teaching them lots of new and interesting facts along the way.

Nick bought in many different types of animal for the children to meet, stroke and even hold! There were birds, reptiles, mammals and invertebrates and the children were very eager to meet each one. The beautiful barn owl showed us how he could rotate his head around. The next visitor was a tarantula, a Chilean rose tarantula. Mrs Salmon held the spider while the children learnt how spiders shed their skeleton once a year as they grow. Other animals they met were the African land snail, a bearded dragon, a skunk and an armadillo. The most popular was the soft chinchilla and the pancake tortoise. Finally, they met a very large snake, a boa constrictor which all the children were able to touch.

The children had a brilliant day meeting so many animals!

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here