Surrey Tennis Festival

7th May 2019

On Thursday 2 May, J Thompson and C Moore took part in the Surrey Tennis Festival at St George’s College. They faced many opponents in their group before making it through to the semi-finals. In the opening games the girls played; Amesbury, Hawthorns, CLFS and Surbiton winning every match 4-0. In the semi-finals, the girls faced St George’s, with some excellent points being played, the girls won their semi-final match 4-0. This meant they had made it through to the final without dropping a game. In the finals the girls faced Wimbledon High, who were the toughest opponents they played all day. The game was very tense and the girls remained focussed throughout winning 4-1, only dropping one game throughout the whole tournament. An amazing achievement taking first place in the under 11 age group. Well done girls!

Open House

Friday 4 October

9 am – 11 am

Book your place here