Relay Marathon at Danes Hill

12th September 2018

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Relay Marathon at Danes Hill

Last Friday saw a relay bonanza at Danes Hill as nearly 300 athletes from Years 5, 6, 7 and 8 descended on Wren’s Hill Athletics Track for the ultimate in team head-to-head.

This event has really become a stand-out in the school’s athletics calendar and the action certainly lived up to the billing. The hosts were joined by athletes from local rivals Downsend, Hawthorns Lane, GHS, CLFS and The Study.

Within each age group, the schools entered A and B teams, each of which could have up to six runners. An individual runner was able to compete in all relays but could only represent either an A or B team throughout the competition. There was a 4x100m and 4x200m relay in each age group for both A and B teams, as well as a 200m/600m medley in Years 5 and 6 and a 200m/880m medley in Years 7 and 8.

It was an outstanding afternoon of athletics with all the athletes giving their all. Danes Hill performed excellently throughout, with the results as follows:

U10 A team 2nd place and B team 1st place
U11 A team 3rd place and B team 1st place
U12 A team 4th place and B team 3rd place
U13 A team 3rd place and B team 2nd place

Open Day

Friday 4 October

9 am – 12 pm

Book your place here