Year 8 Carry on Camping

13th August 2018

Following the culmination of their Common Entrance exams, children in Year 8 were rewarded with a one night camping experience at the Paddock this week.

Excitement was high on Wednesday morning as the camping party arrived at school with their sleeping bags and overnight equipment. There was the small matter of the Year 8 swimming gala to complete first but once that had come to a close, the children hurried along the short walk from the Main School to the Paddock, where they set up camp and the fun began.

Under the remaining embers of sunlight and into the night, the campers satiated their hunger with an American themed BBQ and also set up a camp fire with smores. Everyone eventually succumbed to a deep sleep in their tents after a tiring day and all were delighted to see that catering cooked them breakfast on Thursday morning.

The children required every bit of energy their breakfasts could give them as they undertook a marathon of activities, including football, rounders, mountain biking and dodgeball. Time does indeed fly when you’re having fun and it was soon time to pack up the campsite after lunch and head back to school.

After a brief and anecdotal debrief by the Head Boy and Girl, the children were dismissed. A big thank you must go to all of the staff who helped to make this such a memorable experience for the pupils.

Reception Experience Day

Saturday 9 November 2024

 10am – 12 pm

Book your experience