Year 5 in Wonderland

13th August 2018

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Children in Year 5 brought this half-term to a wonderful conclusion with their production of Alice The Musical on the 8 and 9 February.

Alice The Musical is a timeless classic incorporating a creative combination of song and dance, narrative and drama, all of which the students took to wonderfully. Alice The Musical really brings Lewis Carroll’s zany world to life. The nonsense of Wonderland was captured beautifully by the Danes Hill students in this engaging, fast-paced and exciting production. A big thank you must also go to the backstage team who did a superb job with make-up, costumes and props, as well as the catering staff who provided the amazing themed refreshments.

Both performances were outstanding and the parents in attendance were talking about them afterwards as if they were West End shows! Thank you to everyone who made them such a huge success.

Reception Experience Day

Saturday 9 November 2024

 10am – 12 pm

Book your experience