The Luck of the Irish for Danes Hill

13th August 2018

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Last week saw the turn of 2SPB to deliver their assembly and what a Celtic treat they served up with their performance all about St Patrick’s Day!

The stage could not have been greener as the children set about telling the tale of St Patrick, a fifth-century Romano-British Christian missionary and bishop who is widely regarded as the founder of Christianity in Ireland. The historical narrative was wonderfully complimented by some dancing and singing, including the popular ‘It’s a long way to Tipperary’.

In honour of leprechauns, fairies from Irish folklore, the children were asked what they would wish for is they were granted one wish. There was a fantastic variety of wishes, from being able to win a running race or becoming a fairy to keeping happiness forever in the whole family and helping others less fortunate than ourselves.

Proud parents enjoyed coffee and pastries after the assembly to mull over their children’s performances. We are sure they would all join the children and staff in saying a big well done to 2SPB.